Friday, February 16, 2007

Cat Bordhi Mobius Retreat (-:

Mobius stripOne entry found for Möbius strip.
Main Entry: Mö·bi·us strip
Pronunciation: 'm[oe]-bE-&s-, 'm&(r)-, 'mO-Function: nounEtymology: August F. Möbius died 1868 German mathematician: a one-sided surface that is constructed from a rectangle by holding one end fixed, rotating the opposite end through 180 degrees, and joining it to the first end

March 2nd weekend my sister and I are going to the 2007 Retreat in the Mountains at the Will O 'Wisp Resort in Maryland. I get to knit and be with my sister- priceless!The supplies we will need for the the retreat are interesting.. Cat Bordhi will be teaching so we need one of her books on mobius knitting. I had to order Addi turbos that come in extra long cords ( 42" 0r longer) I am hoping the books arrive soon from Amazon ; I need a jump start on trying to figure out her cast -on method. While searching to find out more about this cast-on method I found out that Knitty Gritty will have an episode with her tomorrow at 4:30. I hope they clearly explain how to make the cast -on. I read the directions at the site -but got lost quickly. You put your slip knot in the middle of the cables and and hold the knot with your right hand.You are using the yarn and needle with your left hand and twisting somehow to cast on.T hat is where I got lost. Hopefully ,if I see it it - It can be figured out before I attend.. Having only knitted for one year ,I feel a bit intimidated at these workshops on top of my hearing loss which makes it even harder .

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Knitting is hurting my wrist

Mean My body is betraying me. Just when I discover something to do with my hands- it hurts my bones in my wrist and arm.
It is not just an ache - it is pain radiating up and down my arm. SO I am letting up on my knitting for a few days. This kills me! I have to find some books to read to fill this void.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Snow Day

Today is Wednesday, February 14, 2007Pine Bush Central Schools are CLOSEDdue to inclement weather

Lots of snow here.Schools and roads are closed. As a teacher, I loved snow days to get caught up on things, enjoy my own kids and just to hang out.
Now ,being retired I can do that everyday so they are not as special to me. Still it is a beautiful site with all the snow !
I wanted to knit all day today but my hand is killing me. I overdid it using this Bates plastic circular needle from a garage sale on the sleeve of the sweater. The sleeve had to be ripped out due to gauge issues and this needle was used instead of Addi Turbo( that was a bit slippery with the alpaca._ ..Big wrist and the area below elbow are killing me. I am afraid to aggravate it so if I knit tonight or tomorrow it will be something that is easier than sweater pattern.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Flaming on Dish Cloth Kal

Oh -my I can't believe how ignorant and prejudiced some people are !On my Dish Cloth Kal an unnamed person blamed Walmart's stopping of the craft sections on some "gays and lesbian"owners.Wow- lots of comments were flying back and forth . This person who made this statement had all these religious comments ( about Jesus)at the end of her posts. This is so scary to me that people would post something like that in the name of Jesus and one person actually defended her.I am not gay-but have several gay friends who are truly loving and wonderful people.

Monday, February 12, 2007

baby hats

I made an adorable and easy baby hat this weekend in pink for the female twin my niece is expecting. The matching blue one for the male twin will be started this week. The pattern is from Stitch N' Bitch page 188 "the Umbilical Cord Hat", I used an Italian Classic Elite Yarn called Duchess .( 40% merino,28% viscose, 10% cashmere and 15% nylon, and 7% angora.) This yarn has to hand washed -but hats do not get as dirty as other baby things. It was on sale for 7$ a skein of 50 yards.
I will post photos once both hats are done..
Good news at my Weight Watchers meeting. I lost another 1.6 pounds. It is going very slowly - but a total of 6.4 pounds in 3weeks is enough to make my pants almost fit comfortable again. Of course, I knit during the meeting and rush home to watch 24 .