Saturday, January 27, 2007

interchangeable needles- Knit Picks or Denise?

Denise needles on my JAN Mid-month KAL - 3 Cable Dishcloth
Fiesta Purse kit using Knit Pick Options

Ouch... those sharp Knit Picks hurt!!!!

What a nice surprise open these last week! Perfect birthday present from my sister.

Knit Pick Options

Using these on the Fiesta purse that is coming along so -so. The top and the handles should be finished this weekend. Next project is the fingerless mitt gift I need by 2/4/.

Anyways- back to the needles. All the positive reviews made me want to purchase them. Actually, I bought these for my sister last year and she loves them. This is my very first project using them -but I have mixed feelings.

Here is why: Knit Pick Options

1. My fingers are in pain from the very sharp points. My knitting technique with throwing the yarn results in the needle poking my finger..ouch ... I think it is ready to bleed. My thumb hurts too- but not as bad. A band aid last night helped a bit.

2. The sharp points and sleek needles make knitting go faster and easier to pick up stitches..very much like the pair of Addi Turbos I love.

3. Now the key? No directions were in the kit..What do you do with that little thing? My friend said I supposed to tighten them with that.I did it manually instead which resulted in the needles coming lose and catching the yarn .Several times I had to wind them up again. The key will be used next time..

Next :The Denise Pink Set

My son and daughter -in-law gave me Denise Needles for Christmas. LUCKY ME- huh?

I have this month's 3 Cable Dish Cloth KAL( late because) started on these needles but only 6 rows so far I like them but the thicker cord is not as easy to maneuver as the Knit Picks. I like how they snap in place to make me feel a bit safer about them not coming apart. No hassle about using or losing a key..

The bottom line is I will use both! They will both come in handy for traveling and keeping needles organized . Extra band aids will be stored with the Knit Picks.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr It is so cold

The Delaware turned to ice over night! My husband was fishing a week or so ago with such mild weather. At first I took a picture from the inside windows and then gathered up enough courage to go outside.
I went to my Yoga class this am. Noone else showed up but me..My body feels good but was disappointed that the scale has not budged. Next,bundling up and walking to the library. Too cold for the dog's feet to take them on a long walk.
Attended knitting last night . Thursday night is the highlight of my weekdays with this group and Grey's Anatomy. Two young, refreshing high school girls were there. I don't miss working as a teacher- but I miss the kids....
The yarn shop soon will be carrying new lines of yarn (Berreco ? spelling)Many oo's and ah's over the samples and patterns in the book .

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Diet progress

After several unsuccessful attempts to diet the shock of weighing at WW my will power is back. A weight gain of almost 20 pounds in 2 years is really disgusting because it has settled mostly in my middle..I don't want to be ROUND!
Excuses?( My husband blames it on knitting- not me )
1.Being retired almost a year with not having to dress up makes you not realize that your clothes are not fitting. Those comfortable black pants and fat jeans still fit ...but nothing else.
2. Being so happy and contented with husband going out to lunches and dinners- did I mention the Racetrack buffet ? cruise food?
3. Lazy kind of routine with no work stress besides parents/ brother illnesses that make me want to eat more. No standing up hours teaching and going up those stairs all day.
4. Knitting and snacking at night...

So- my plan to restore my healthy weight
  • The yoga class on Fridays and doing tapes at home help restore my healthy weight.
  • More long dog walks instead of just letting them in the yard
  • no more snacking with nightly knitting..cups of tea instead..
  • 20 points of eating using WW Flex plan

I should lose on Monday weigh in. I feel better already and the stomach muscles are feeling it from the Pilates tape.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

yarn washed by mistake

I did such a stupid thing..Hidden in all the dirty clothes pile from the cruise was this mohair yarn to an $$$$$$expensive scarf kit ..Dam it came out so perfectly felted.Maybe it can be a necklace...?

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Knitting progress 2007

Another cruise highlight..

This is me after I swam with the dolphins in Tortola . I did not buy the pictures because they were awful and cost mucho

Really ...I have been knitting::

one sock completed (purple striped Opal)

unfinished lace scarf ( almost done)

Fiesta Purse kit purchased at Stitches

Here is the bag and my progress this past few days. I am disappointed in the soy/wool yarn as it seems so thin. I hope it felts ok?

I would like to make a pair of fingerless mitts before 2/4 for my friend's birthday.Don't know if that will happen..

ON cruise when the KAl Dishcloth started so missed that and too busy getting caught up..Next month -but may try this one soon because it has cables and would like to learn how to do them..

Monday, January 22, 2007

get this fat off

The only bad thing about knitting is the 15 pounds gained since I started less than a year ago. Off to Weight Watchers tonight and I AM going to try to get back in my preknitting exercise routine . I feel disgusting and eating all that cruise food caught up with the scale this week! I am wearing same black pants cuse only ones that fit...........