Molly is the mother pug of Buddy and Peak-A-Boo. she is getting up there in the years. She is looking real gray and not moving around as much . !Not that pugs are real movers -move of couch potatoes.Several teeth are missing in the bottom so she needs softer food now and her breath is pretty stinky but I still kiss her to death.
Molly needs to be on a diet! She knows if she does her business outside that if she waits at the frig she gets a snack , Her favorites are pieces of chicken or hot dogs. I just say hot dog to her when she is outside and she will come running. It is a magic word ! Molly does not need a leash - only to hear "Hot dog"
Molly shadows me. She gets up in at the am when I do and follows me to bed in the pm. She knows I will lift her because she is a little too chubby to climb up .
After my recent trips she would not leave my side and kept licking and dancing around me. It is a wonderful feeling having something love you so much and vice -versa.
I have never loved a dog as much as my Molly ( Mommy)