Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dogs on Thursday

Molly is the mother pug of Buddy and Peak-A-Boo. she is getting up there in the years. She is looking real gray and not moving around as much . !Not that pugs are real movers -move of couch potatoes.Several teeth are missing in the bottom so she needs softer food now and her breath is pretty stinky but I still kiss her to death.

Molly needs to be on a diet! She knows if she does her business outside that if she waits at the frig she gets a snack , Her favorites are pieces of chicken or hot dogs. I just say hot dog to her when she is outside and she will come running. It is a magic word ! Molly does not need a leash - only to hear "Hot dog"

Molly shadows me. She gets up in at the am when I do and follows me to bed in the pm. She knows I will lift her because she is a little too chubby to climb up .

After my recent trips she would not leave my side and kept licking and dancing around me. It is a wonderful feeling having something love you so much and vice -versa.

I have never loved a dog as much as my Molly ( Mommy)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Getting caught up

It has been a whirlwind few days getting caught up for both trips, going to appts and taking care of my mother.Tomorrow I leave for Albany to visit my daughter. I am teaching her 5th grade science classes on Friday. My daughter asked me to share with them my info about my trip to the Galapagos . So last night was spent organizing a power point with my different picture and info that will connect with what they are learning in science. I have to finish it up tonight so still no knitting getting done. It will be weird going into the classroom again. I taught for over 30 years but this still is making me nervous like I won't know how to deal with the kids anymore. Making speeches to adults- like at Open House -was always nerve wracking for me. I am feeling the same way so need to be super organized so I can remember what to say

Monday, March 10, 2008

Stitch N Beach Cruise

Got back Sat from the DebbieStoller/Shannon Oakey cruise. Give me to a few days to get unpacked and caught up with everything. So many projects/materials were passed out in the classes that I have about 10 more ufo's to complete.. Many things here I have to deal with like my parents. My mom had a growth on her foot that turnd out to be cancer and needs more surgery to remeove the rest. Many tests and appointments that she needs to be driven to. Will my house ever be clean again?

Briefly- the weather, knitters and classes were all fantastic. Some classes were challenging/frustrating for me especially with my hearing loss. Overall- I learned many new things in these 10 days.
Debbie ( right) and Shannon give Lori an afghan that is made of squares we all made. Lori is on leave from Army and is stationed in Iraq. She was just one of the lovely people I met!