Friday, November 07, 2008

telephone tester/ hearing loss and phones.

A few years back I was at a Hearing Loss convention in Orlando . I was speaking with a representative from a phone company and signed up to be a phone tester. Every year I get a new set of phones so my collection of phones is getting larger!

These two came in the mail last week. My task is to try them out and then decide which one I want to keep. This time around the survey form took about 10 minutes so not much work involved besides setting them up and figuring them out. My phone expertise is becoming exceptional and even the bathrooms have phones..

They know I use hearing aids but when attempting to use both of these it was impossible. .grrrrrr- they are not hearing aid compatible so can't hear the dial tone over the annoying interference hummmmm buzzzz......caused by my hearing aids. s

I did choose to keep the VTech because I discovered that the speaker phone is loud and clear so I can use this phone in that mode.

It is is ironic that I am a tester..I depend on reading lips and visual cues so phones make me nervous.No phone is ever perfect for me because some voices just don't register in my brain . The noise is heard but brain can't decipher what is being said especially with deep male voices and accents.
Recently this helpful and free site was discovered:
Using any phone and computer I can read what is being said by the other person. I use it to call doctors, business or other calls that may not be clear . You still hear on the phone but can use the captions if you are missing sections. You can even print the conversation.
The annoying part of this like my cap tel phone ( I no long use because the screen is not as big and clear like this is that there is a delay in waiting to read what the person is saying. I have become a speed reader after all the reading of closed captions on TV but the person/computer who types needs a few seconds so a delay.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Hot pink mitts

not blocked yet..label says hand wash but never blocked rabbit ?
When at St John's on the knitting cruise this hot pink angora from Fleece Aridest caught my eye. I thought they would make adorable lacy mitts for Christmas presents. This yarn has 20% nylon with the angora so my thinking was that it would have some give to it but not really.!I started several mitt patterns but was not happy with the results so went back to my old standby.Because my yarn was a different gauge the pattern was major modified using 40 to cast on and the ribbing was increased. Pray the second one ends up matching this one!I have not used dpn's in awhile and had trouble with all these ladders showing up in the mitt even though stitches were moved around and were tugged at between dpn's. Maybe I tugged too much? These are going to Liz.

Wendy Johnson's fingerless mitts ( free ravelry pattern if you don't have her book)

Fleece Artist Angora is ......
Oh so soft and warm but not fun to knit or frog . All that fuzzy bunny stuff sticks together

Scrunchable Black scarf done

Someone forgot to close the computer!
Misty Baby Alpaca - very soft and hairy!
Scrunchable Scarf
my feline assistant loves alpaca!

This Scrunchable Scarf was handed over to my son yesterday. This is a no- brainer- very easy pattern that looks impressive !.