Saturday, November 03, 2007


I finished the This is my very first finished adult sweater/ garment. To be honest- it is not totally finished. Putting it together was stressing me out especially with those caps that have to be sewn in sleeves. So I traded 2 balls of roving in exchange for my friend putting it together.

Now I am not sure how this will look or fit. It looks awful on a one petite friend but wonderful on a heavier member. This is the opposite of what I expected. So if it does not fit - one more Christmas present for D- in law.

The knitting sub group of the spinning guild met today. These are the same people in my Thursday night group. We have decided to go on a knitting cruise next October with the Embraceable Ewe Shop in Hamburg , New York. Erin, the owner, is the person who runs the summer knitting camp in Bradford Pa. It is this one which leaves from New York. The main problem is that it gets back the Sat of Rhinebeck but we all decided we can deal with just going Sunday next year. Erin does not plan to teach classes but rather just gather and find the yarn shops at each of the stops we make. Over 90 knitters have signed up for this trip. I had to come home and kiss up to the Boy before telling him about another trip I am going on without him. All the other knitters were saying , I have to ask first. I never ask and he is pretty good about it. But- It justifies his going to Alaska for 3 weeks of salmon fishing or golf in the middle of the winter.
Now I really have to get on a stricter budget. 50$ was the deposit needed for this trip so I can handle it for now. NO more shopping and use that stash........

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Got mail

This was ordered this book from Amazon in August so I was happy to finally see it yesterday. I browsed through the pages and think I am going to love this book. It appears to be explained very clearly and you start with making baby socks. Lots of diagrams and pictures to help a visual learning like me. After my wip 's are done I hope to try it out. . These markers go with Cat Bordhi's method. I ordered them from an Etsy site that Wendyknits wrote about. It is from Addi is supposed to be making them to go along with this book.

This is a trip Boy and I are taking to replace the cancelled Africa trip. This is a week before the Knitting cruise. Retirement is so much fun! Sunshine