Friday, March 20, 2009


This is what I am working on all morning. Taking a break from all the *#!^ sewing. Did I mention I hate to sew because my skills are so awful.

HOPING....Will this will look better blocked and hoping the neck opening and sleeves are big enough? sleeves sort of long....I love the colors and the GGH fuzzy yarn that came in this kits BY MELISSA. She was very helpful when I contacted her and the price of kit was cheap. The pattern is called Fish . Her site is
The fin of the fish flaps...cute huh? I did not add tail that came with pattern ..looked too big on mine..

Sunday, March 15, 2009

piglet done just in time for shower today

My d- in law due April 12, 2009
one of my sweaters....

my daughter, son and d in-law

my firstborn and me
