Friday, April 27, 2007

Queen of Diamond Sock

Terrible photo with it being dark and rainy out and a sock blocker might help.

I am working on the leg and next will be some complicated Picot cuff.This is the fastest ever done on one sock. They take me forever along with this is the hardest one attempted. After going to knitting group last night I realized a few things were wrong but will continue and just do the other sock the same way. (If I can remember what I did?) The Boy is in Florida golfing and visiting while I watch the pugs so I have had big blocks of uninterrupted time at night. ( pay back for my Puerto Rico trip with D)

But then last night all of a sudden I was sick of all concentration so I pulled out UFO Log Cabin that is mindless knitting..

Monday, April 23, 2007

Queen of Diamond Socks/ What's on the frig?

I noticed several bloggers posting what is on their refrigerator. Maybe your frig reflects your personality? Mine includes my son's wedding announcement, photo of knitting group at Stitches, the blue sheet is my airline info for my trip to Africa in July (whoopee) and several magnets that were given as gifts or souvenirs from my travels .

My plan is to go to the Maryland Sheep and Wool festival Sheep with my knitting group as long as I can get away without worse happenings with my Dad or Mom. He continues to decline in the nursing home. My poor mother is now the hospital after having severe chest pains this weekend. The stress of worrying about him and traveling back and forth has taken a toll on her . Not too much knitting done with all the driving back and forth.

now on to the socks
Queen of Diamond Socks
I am struggling these socks that I am making with my Thursday night knitters. They spun their own yarn but I am using Knit Picks Essential Tweed 65 % Super Wash 25% nylon and 10% Donegal (?) so if it is only 65% super wash does that mean they will shrink 35% - I hope.This is a challenge because it is my first sock using circulars , a Turkish Cast On, toe down and reading my first chart ever. I am sure they are not going to turn out like the ones in Spin Off. My pattern looks a bit weak and the sock looks huge!!!!! The shape of the toe is not as bad as the picture portrays.It would fit my husband but a bit too feminine for him. My teacher helped me with the gauge and said to use the larger size ? Well- it is all learning experience so the next time will be better- right?. I like the circulars and if I was not doing this lace pattern thing it would really move fast. So -maybe next will be Cat Borhdi's basic sock pattern?