Friday, March 09, 2007

my dad

My father has been such a positive role model. Everyone should be lucky enough to have a dad like mine!
finished another maybe I will work on my not mindless knitting Seduction Sock tonight.

Spent most of the day taking my mother to lunch and then to the nursing home. Dad was awake today and even smiled for the picture.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

compulsive knitting

This seems to be a pattern for me. I learn a new knitting skill or pattern and then have to do 10 of them .Remember all the fingerless mitts I did in the fall, then dish cloths and the scarves before that..? As you can see, I have moved on to the mobius ....How many mobius gifts can I give or wear ?

Making mindless mobius scarves are attractive to me because of very little finishing off involved. The main problem I have encountered is getting the correct length. It has to be short or long enough to be doubled - no in between. The gauge thing is still a mystery to me that I have not forced myself to conquer.

My next project is to try making socks on double needles using Cat Bordhi's book

Soaring Socks on Circular Needles. I have ordered the Addi number #2 needles needed from Yarn Market but they are back ordered.

Weight Watchers( But I think I lost more) was missed this week due to visiting my poor father who has been moved into a nursing home again. He needs to use a wheel chair and just sleeps when I visit him. His color is so pale and he hardly talks anymore except to say how awful he feels.That he does not even smile at me or eat the candy I bring breaks my heart. It is so depressing to see him and all the other patients like this and deep inside you realize this could happen to you someday. You fear for your own children that they too will have to see you like this. My mother has told my other siblings that they should come home to visit now because he is doing so poorly.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Mobius retreat photos

making a paper mobius first
Cat and I after she signed my her books for me......

This a group of people that were from Lancaster, Pa (including my sister in the navy sweater far right). I am in the front in pink next to Cat Bordi holding the mermaid .

Monday, March 05, 2007

Cat Bordhi Mobius Retreat (-:

I was wondering if I would ever make it to this retreat..Negative things kept popping up like my poor Dad being so sick and having to move into a rehab section of a nursing facility. My wonderful son helped my mother do that on Friday so I could continue with my plans to go to Maryland for this retreat. Then on Wed my front tooth where I had this very expensive implant put in- fell out! So an emergency visit to the implant specialist had to be made on the way to my sister's house on Thursday. Of course ,the dentist is in New Jersey 2 hours out of the way.

But we made it to the retreat. My sister and I had a special time together swimming, eating, taking knitting classes and socializing with all the other knitters. Cat Bordhi was an absolute hit with everyone! I will post more this week. I made a green mobius this weekend and worked on my Seduction Sock from Interweave- not a go0d project to work on while talking with others so I quickly switched to the mindless knitting of the mobius.
It snowed all weekend and on the way home but it was beautiful and not too slippery. I got home late last night - very tired out from driving home for 7 hours.But, it was all worth it!
Today I had to go visit my mother and take her to see my Dad. This is all very depressing seeing her fall apart mentally as he deteriorates physically.