Wednesday, November 14, 2007

still at it/ sleeping pets/Sopranos end

This afternoon I watched the final disc of the Sopranos. All the excitement, sex and and violent stuff going on did not keep any of the pets awake . But- for me it was the end. I have watched the complete series using Netflix starting this summer. I did not peak ahead to find out about the ending- if you call it that? It just left me hanging and not knowing what was going to happen to Tony. Right before the end Meadow is frantically looking for a parking spot that she has to keep backing in and out of. It made viewers suspect she would walk in late to the dinner while a shooting was taking place. Instead -as the suspicious looking guy you think may be the shooter goes into the bathroom - it just ends..
You don't know if he is shot or if the guy was not a shooter at all. That's it! You do realize by this time Tony is an evil and manipulative sicko . The writers for this show were truly amazing and talented. This ending did leave an opening for further episodes in the futrue.

Molly in the bed

Stinky on the couch
Buddy in front of the fire.

look closer that the sleeves...

I am still knitting the Karabella pattern sweater.. One and a half sleeves to go and then some work on the neck line. This pattern just called out at me when browsing the Interweave magazine.But, the more I study the pattern and the ad- I realize the blond modeling the sweater would look good in anything. The sleeves look like they may be to baggy for me while the model has her arms poised in a way that I did not notice .. Now I am having my doubts (serious one). I am searching for the next sweater pattern already. The pattern needs to be simple and easy to knit with limited sewing needed.