Saturday, October 27, 2007

Idenity theft

Help%$#@ it happened again! Perturbed Today when I checked my debit/checking balance at Bank of America it was 289$ overdrawn. I looked closer and found 8 charges posted from yesterday and today that are not mine.This makes me so angry and invaded again..My Capital One was used illegally just last May. That just got all straightened out. But- this is even worse because it has my direct deposits and all my banking in it. Many of my bills are automatically paid using this account. Some of the charges are:
Union Telcard AllNC
Prepaid Telecom OKL
Yahoo Voice 8666-562-7228 CA
Bharti AirTel ( Usa) LT NY
Are they phone card purchases?
SO... now my checking account is empty and my debit card is cancelled. I need to get to a Bank of America office first thing Monday to make sense of all of this. Bank of America said I can get a temporary card but no cash is coming in until 10/31.
WHY did this happen?
I use this debit card like cash for almost everything from MacDonald's, gas and Internet shopping. Maybe I should use cash more instead of the debit card?

Pulling My Hair Out

Friday, October 26, 2007

Chilly Fall Has arrived

Brrrrr - it was below 40 degrees last night Everyone is cuddling up to get warm here. The Boy is bringing in wood today for the wood stove. The heat stays off as long as possible.
The Pugs know what to do to conserve heat..

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Handspun Baby Hat/ Pug shots/Kalamazoo progress

Molly, Peek-A-Boo and Magoo
Stinky and Molly

Buddy needs a dentist

Kalamazoo progress

Hand spun Baby Hat
(Not the best picture as the purple and pink rows look off ..It is still wet )

I bought this Cool-Aid dyed hand spun and pattern at Rhinebeck. One is done and is adorable. Two hats will go to my 54 year( really) old friend who has 1 year old twins. How big are 1 year old heads? It was such a long time ago that mine were babies.I love doing these quick projects that give me instant gratification.

Have to get back to this because when we meet for Thursday Knitting group I don't want to be behind.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Perfect Rhinebeck Weekend

Rhinebeck Activities

Admired many yarn producers

Got some books signed by The Yarn Harlot

Have the Mason Dixon already but took their photo

Just love Clara Parkes new book ( Knitter's Review)The Knitter's Book of Yarn

The Sheep and I

3D Jack-o-lantern

plenty of pumpkins

Trip there admired all ranges of reds...


glorious golds

What a perfect weekend! The wool shopping, two days of browsing and limited hours of sleep have totally wiped me out but it was well worth it.

The trip north in the Mini was quick and beautiful. My sister and I talked nonstop the whole way only to pause briefly in between the chatter to rave about the glorious fall foliage.
It is amazing that so many people come to this Sheep and Wool Festival. Traffic was backed up coming and going both days but much worse on Saturday. Attending both days was less stressful because we could wander at a slower pace. Last year I rushed around afraid I would miss something.

I did not buy a wheel but my sister did ! After trying several she had to decide between the Hitch hiker and the Dt Lendrum. The Hitch Hiker salesman was extremely helpful and patient. But, because she needs a main wheel -not just for traveling -she went with the Lendrum. Bending over and having some back issues was the main reason. Also,when viewing the Sheep to Shawl spinners the majority of them had Lendrums. Last night when we arrived home - the first thing we did was unpack her wheel and set it up. We spun a bit while the Red Sox beat the Indians. At first my sister tried spinning with the free roving they gave her along with the wheel. I don't know what it is was but it was too soft and smooth for beginning spinners. Switching to some gray Icelandic roving from my stash quickly solved the problems.

The only negative part of the trip is that I missed out on the Ravlery party. I saw some knitters with Ravlery buttons and T- shirts that must have come from the party. But, no way I would missed going to visit out my daughter Sat night to help her with her new house. Some painting and several trips to Home Depot were accomplished . Buying your first house is such a big deal .