Saturday, May 19, 2007

Spinners and Weavers Guild

My first sweater
boy buttons

Icelandic wool

I loved this first meeting. An interesting guest speaker spoke about raising her Icelandic sheep. This group is very active and I think I will love it. A knitting subgroup is coming to my house June 26th. This is some roving purchased but don't know what to do with it yet.. but soon hopefully as my wheel comes this Thursday.

I found buttons for the male twin baby sweater. How is is possible that finding buttons can get me so excited?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Spinning Wheel

I asked Ann about spinning wheels in her blog Purlingswine. She recommended the Lendrum Wheels. I have never met her but love reading her blog . Pig 2 Ann is so knowledgeable and funny!

Anyways- I have been checking Ebay daily for wheels and a newly listed one popped up tonight at a bargain price.. yeah So now I have a new folding Lendrum wheel!

3D Prom Queen

I am happy, happy!
Oh -now I am not doing the Spinning Weekend due to the cost and realized Spinning Guild meeting is that day.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Rose- breasted Grosbeaks/twins

Rose- breasted Grosbeak
This spring has brought some magnificent birds to our kitchen window. Every morning I watch new visitors come to our feeders. These two have been hanging around all week. I think they are grosbeaks?
Look here
knitting progress

My nephew had twins April 25th and here are my first attempts at baby sweaters . I have finished the collar and started the sleeves tonight on the blue one.. The pattern comes from the book Minnies.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

on my crocs
Orchid for Mother's Day

Big Hug, Mom

Being a mother has brought me the greatest joys . You love your children unconditionally like no others. Raising my children and being a mom are such special memories. I was a natural mother as I loved it and gave my all and as a result my two kids have turned into kind , loving and productive humans .
Both graduated from college and are employed (with benefits even).
Being a mom to my 2 children is my proudest accomplishment in life!