Saturday, November 11, 2006

Well, Dad is home and it is going to be difficult. I am trying to get my mother to hire nurses for the home but she is so very stubborn- Irish! I will spending most of my days driving to Middletown. Being retired is convenient.

Must go to a wake today for a teacher I worked with for a long time. John never came to work last week because he had a massive heart attack at age 55. Everyone at school is still in shock. Sadly, this reminds me to concentrate on the important things in my life and let the other stupid stressful stuff go.

Knitting is a very good thing for me.-even when I make mistakes. I am learning..... I had to tear the top of the Maltese hat out due to a major hole which I did not notice till next day. The hat is sorta weird looking.I doubt my son will wear it. I have to finish top with DPN's and think about making a tassel and i-cord thing. I never made tassels before. In fact before I started knitting I really never did any crafty things like sewing , quilting ,cooking or other domestic stuff. I just never had time with running around with my kids(which I loved)) , family and teaching. Reading was my thing which I hardly do now except the book for the monthly book clubs ( only if I like it) That is why I am so surprised I love learning to knit!

Friday, November 10, 2006

EZ Maltese Hat knit-a- long

Started my Maltese hat (late) tonight at knitting group ( Could not put it down and it is now 1am. Starting the decreases and will be done soon. I am not sure my son will wear it but have other people in mind if not. Have to decide about making an I cord . I plan on felting it if it is too big. I used size 13 needles. Pictures will be posted when it is finished.
My father is leaving the nursing home tomorrow. I am nervous about that with my mother having to care for him.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Hearing Loss

Comment-What make are your hearing aids and how long have you worn them?

I have 2 Phonac behind -the- ear hearing aids and a Phonac FM system. My first hearing aid was was a small one that I started wearing when I was in my 30's. That was over 20 years ago and my hearing has continued to decline. My loss is rated severe now. I have investigated all the new technology and gone to specialists and conventions. Closed captions for TV and my Cap Tel phone are a great help. My cell phone is a Nextel one that is extremely loud (but also distorted)when I put it on speaker mode .Thank goodness for my husband who helps me in so many ways.

The hearing loss made teaching almost impossible the last few years especially with all the background noise. As a result ,I retired last year. Not hearing makes social and all kinds of situations difficult. I may end up being a candidate for a cochlear implant but will put it off till am desperate.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Stiches classes

I took 3 beginner classes offered at Stitches. Learned a lot -but next year no more 8 am classes. I became sleep deprived after the first night. Felting 101 was fantastic with an energetic teacher, Debbie Radtke. We made a little purse and experimented with different colors and foo foo. Then we felted it by hand in a bin of water. Lots of fun. My purse quickly became a wine holder.
Next, I took a 6 hour class called Everything After Knit and Purl.We made felted oven mitts and again the time flew by and I learned a whole bunch while making a cute project. ( making mittens, 3 needle bind -off, Lamb's Pride wool, using 5 needles in the round) Teaching a bunch of beginners must be a nightmare ,but Gwen Bortner is excellent. Her handout was a booklet with all kinds of helpful diagrams and step- by-step directions.
Sunday I was really tired and a bit hung over so left my 8 am Crochet class after the break. I wear hearing aids and have a small FM device that speakers can wear like a necklace so I can understand them. (Australian lady- so her accent made it even more difficult for me to follow what was being said.)She was uncomfortable using the device and took it off and left at other tables . So all I heard was those students talking. So between the hang over and frustration I left. But, that was ok because I went to the MARKET one last time.

Monday, November 06, 2006


Got back from Knitting heaven last night...Stitches was so wonderful and I had the best time with my knitting friends. The car was so stuffed with packages coming home it was a miracle we could fit. The Fashion shows , the Market, my classes and the whole knitting population inspired me so! I spent way too much and now I definitely have a stash.