Thursday, November 22, 2007

survived Thanksgiving

The day is over and everyone is gone. So much shopping, preparation and work and people eating everything within one hour.. I am exhausted and ready to just sit and enjoy Grey's. I am even too tired to knit.Just a sink full of wine glasses and some other stuff to be washed tomorrow. The turkey turned out fantastic. That little red thing popped out and it was just right moist. My kids helped with the mashed potatoes and appetizers plus cleaning up afterwards. It was great having my kids here along with their pugs too. We had a total of 5 pugs here today. Too busy with food to get any good pictures.

My daughter brought this dessert ...oh my it was a hit ....pumpkin trifle.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Making Thanksgiving Dinner

Cornucopia How did I ever do all this when I worked with the kids home?
I am cooking for10 tomorrow and dinner should be served around 2. Cooking and entertaining stresses me out unless I am( rarely) in the entertaining mood. Unfortunately- I am not in it this week. I am hiding at this computer to avoid going in the kitchen again.
Self talk is not helping.".Relax you have time" and "No one will go in those rooms right?" If the pies don't turn out today- I will have time to buy new ones tonight?None will care if their clothes are full of pug hairs if they sit on he couch- right?
Why is this so stressful?
  1. First of all - I blame it on partially my mother.
We rarely had company to dinner and when she did she turned into someone not nice.

2. I feel like I can't control it - most everything has to be done in the last few hours .Although I already set the tables yesterday and made the pies today and of course all that shopping.You have to be wonder cook to get it synchronized to be served while it is still hot.

3. This kitchen ADD has made me feel like I am running in circles . I start to get one pan and then realize the salt shaker might be empty and then where is the electric carving knife.?

4. Why can't I just relax and enjoy the turkey and friends?Happy Thanksgiving 1

5. As I am writing this I realize that this is the first year my daughter has not been here to help . She kept me on task and it was not work with her around. I miss her so much even though we talk every day.! She will be coming to dinner so she will be a great help in the kitchen and with serving food.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

oh no! another hobby- inkle loom

Inkle loom workshop 11/19/2007

Inkle Weaving by Daryl Lancaster

A wonderful workshop on inkle looms was presented yesterday by my Spinning Guild. I only signed up because my friend Nora did. Weaving looked way too complicated for me with all those threads going every which way.It is a miracle I even learned how to knit using one strand of yarn. But, after this very clear and easy to follow workshop- my interest is peaked. I even bought the inkle loom. It is an Ashford Inklette.

Here is the loom and her handbook with clear instructions and perfect visuals for a slow learning like myself. I choose 3 colors and had 25 strands going on this pattern.
I was so excited about the process even though it is not done perfectly. I need to beat( push down with the shuttle) Are you impressed? This will make the ends less noticeable and it smoother overall..

I came home full of confidence to start another. Maybe too confident because I messed up after I got this far. Thank goodness this didn't happen in the workshop!Still it would make a good bookmark so that is ok.

Now the uses for these include bookmarks, belts, trim on jackets. .any more ideas?