Sunday, November 18, 2007

oh no! another hobby- inkle loom

Inkle loom workshop 11/19/2007

Inkle Weaving by Daryl Lancaster

A wonderful workshop on inkle looms was presented yesterday by my Spinning Guild. I only signed up because my friend Nora did. Weaving looked way too complicated for me with all those threads going every which way.It is a miracle I even learned how to knit using one strand of yarn. But, after this very clear and easy to follow workshop- my interest is peaked. I even bought the inkle loom. It is an Ashford Inklette.

Here is the loom and her handbook with clear instructions and perfect visuals for a slow learning like myself. I choose 3 colors and had 25 strands going on this pattern.
I was so excited about the process even though it is not done perfectly. I need to beat( push down with the shuttle) Are you impressed? This will make the ends less noticeable and it smoother overall..

I came home full of confidence to start another. Maybe too confident because I messed up after I got this far. Thank goodness this didn't happen in the workshop!Still it would make a good bookmark so that is ok.

Now the uses for these include bookmarks, belts, trim on jackets. .any more ideas?


old lady said...

That looks like fun! How about guitar straps, curtain tie backs, fancy dog collars and leashes!! Enjoy!

Jolynn said...

I have tried weaving before! Its really fun, isn't it? Its pretty easy to get into a rythm, too!

Cactusneedles said...

Have fun! My aunt weaves and she loves it! (She knits too!)