Saturday, August 11, 2007

some spinning and Celtic Vest

Smiley At Work Sign

Got these things done today- Photo is too dark but put the button on Miter Purse . It turned out cute. .


a little spinning..I need one more skein for the Guild next Sat for Kool-Aid Dying..

Started this vest . I bought this kit at Stitches last fall. It is a sideways vest where you use two balls of yarn. It is not too difficult yet just keeping tack of which one is Y1 or Y2 as they both are alike. I did have trouble with the gauge and not sure if it is right. I went up to size 11 needles instead of 10-10 1/2. The vest looks short. I hope not really short as this last two months I have gained back a few pounds due to this vertigo and lack of activity.

Friday, August 10, 2007

new sock blockers

My new purchases from Ebay

For my sister I ordered the ribbon one as she is a breast cancer survivor.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Stinky's favortie past time

This kitten is the best medicine ever. Here he is checking out the birdfeeder. I love watching him discover new things.

Puringswine had this funny ad on her blog today .

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

hot hot hot

Our house does not have A/C. We are roasting here. When we were buying this house - I asked the Realtor about the lack of A/C in this $$$ house . He said up here you do not need it. He lied!
I feel so drained the only way to feel cooler is to order this sock yarn .
Simply Socks Yarn Company Items 1 Fleece Artist Somoko TI @ $23.75 = $23.75 1 Fleece Artist Sea Wool B @ $24.75 = $24.75 1 Dream in Color Smooshy 120 @ $21.00 = $21.00
I feel cooler already!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

good news- bad news

Stinky is keeping us entertained....
The pugs keep the Boy's legs clean. Why they don't lick me like that ? I tell the boy it is because I use soap to shower but honestly it might have something to do with those bristles .
I love this yarn and this is my all time favorite sock ever with hardly any mistakes.

I need to get more of this Fleece Artist yarn. Loopey Ewe must be visited!

Bad news.What is causing this constant vertigo???????????? I am off balance and feel like I have morning sickness all day long. I am eating the wrong things and gained 2.8 pounds this month. Salad does not do it- only comfort fattening foods. Walking makes me feel like I am going to fall so activity has been limited .

My life has been running to doctors appointments for the last two months. Back and forth to see heart, ENT, neurologist and internist.. Heart , Balance and hearing tests. Next is an MRI . The doctor is giving me 2 Valium to get through it.The last time I panicked so badly they had to stop. But I had an abnormal ENT test so this test is very important according to the doctor. Unfortunately- I have been playing the waiting game getting appointments. I have to wait another 2 weeks for the first available appointment.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Buddy loves to chase Stinky around the house.

Stinky is fitting in here just fine.. He should be called Shadow as he follows me everywhere along with the pugs. He is sitting on my lap as I type.

I hope to finish this purse from camp today. The I-cord and strap must be be made. But several things should be done in the house today like the pile of wash and all the dog hairs accumulating .

I finally ordered the Bloosom Street series by Debbie Macomber from Amazon..several blogs and friends have been recommending them including