Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dog Days on Thursday

Stinky thinks he is one of the dogs!
Buddy and Molly hiding while I vacuum this morning. The Dyson was full of pug hairs!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wed 3/19/08

Molly and Peek-A -Boo

It has been a crazy 3 days with hardy any time to knit .That second sock is still not done.

My mother is home and doing better but can't drive or walk on her heel. It is really strange getting melanoma on your heel!. Who looks there ? This is the second surgery and hoping it is all removed this time. Unfortunately , another suspicious growth was found on her leg.

But things are going to be better. Tomorrow is the first day of spring


I am excited to be going to my knitting group tomorrow night. I have not seen my knitting buddies since Jan. Next trip is a knitters/spinners retreat in Virginia first weekend in April. Have decided not to go to knitting camp this summer. I loved this camp experience these past 2 years but it will be too close to the wedding and my budget is tighter because of the wedding. Sadly,I am not going to Maryland Sheep and Wool either.The booklet came the other day. This Festival was fantastic last year but it ended up costing a lot of money staying down there and buying too much.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

more Stitch N Beach cruise shots...stressssssss

Erika and I last night on ship
more knitters - farewell night

Shannon in blue dress

Debbie is the blond!

Debbie Stolller

Debbie again

a few of the other knitters at the cocktail party

I just reread a few of my last posts. Please forgive all my misspellings and grammar errors as I was rushing. My computer time and knitting has been limited due to family commitments. Today I am home and feel so much better.

All my clothes from both trips were put away this am and one can even get in my closet now. The sheets are clean and the bathrooms disinfected. Next up is the computer/knitting room. Needles/ cruise yarn and projects are still in unpacked bags all over the place.

Tomorrow it starts all over again with doctor appointments , trip to nursing home and taking care of my mother before her surgery on Tuesday. At times I wish - I lived closer to them so it was easier and the travel time /gas was not so long. My father just got on Medicaid after my mother paid over 100,000 to the nursing home this year. The red tape is a nightmare and more forms were due Friday that have to be handed in late.
More knitting should done this week. While waiting during my mother's surgery the sock should get done. . I am so frazzled that I must knit something simple and mindless. Maybe back to the afghan squares for the blanket ?

I made some mistakes with the Stitch N Bitch pictures. Debbie is the blond and Shanon has brown hair. Here are some more pictures.