Thursday, May 10, 2007

Stiches classes / robin still on nest

look closely to see mother on nest
Just got an email that early registration for Stitches starts this Monday. My knitting friends just got back from Maryland and everyone is broke. This will be discussed at tonight's knitting group but not sure if they want to go again.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Learning to Spin

After going to Maryland I decided to search to find places that teach spinning. I need a special person that is extremely patient. Between my hearing loss and my lack of eye- hand coordination learning new things are always a challenge. Added to it is this panic I always feel when others catch on so fast and I am left in the dust... Wheel 2
Well...I found this....
FIBERSCreative Spinning Mary Ann Kirchhoff May 19-20 (2 day) Beginners as well as spinners with experience will enjoy exploring the many possibilities in this workshop. Learn helpful shortcuts and ideas on a variety of spinning wheels to find out which style works best for you (or bring your own! no antique wheels please!). Discover many new and unusual fibers with methods that simplify the process, making it enjoyable for all. Create designer yarns from an assortment of colors, textures and techniques using the wide selection of fibers the teacher provides. Ideas will flow! No two yarns will look alike! Beginner to advanced. Mary Ann Kirchhoff has been spinning and weaving for over 25 years. She has studied textile arts throughout the world where she has developed many of the techniques she uses in her work. Mary Ann spins and weaves using a variety of fibers including fleece from Angora Goats. She demonstrates and teaches spinning and weaving. Tuition: $250 Lab Fee: $35REGISTER ONLINE NOWmore fibers

This weekend is for beginners and there is an open spot. It is about an hour and half commute. It is a bit costly and after my Maryland trip this month???My plan is to wait and decide next week. With my parents being so sick I can't pay this ahead of time (* no refunds)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Do not enter - robin eggs....

We can't use our front door because of these.There might be more but I don't want to scare the mother robin away as she flies away if anyone goes near the front door.

Look in the top right corner..... bits of straw right?

This is not even a wreath made of natural materials. Incubation takes 12-14 days and another 2 weeks as a fledgling. Blue Jays, snakes and squirrels are common robin egg enemies which we have in abundance. It will be so cool if they finally do hatch and survive.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Maryland Sheep and Wool

Sheep to Shawl Competition

What a great weekend! Life is good.....Shopping, knitting and being with good friends.