Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Flaming on Dish Cloth Kal

Oh -my I can't believe how ignorant and prejudiced some people are !On my Dish Cloth Kal an unnamed person blamed Walmart's stopping of the craft sections on some "gays and lesbian"owners.Wow- lots of comments were flying back and forth . This person who made this statement had all these religious comments ( about Jesus)at the end of her posts. This is so scary to me that people would post something like that in the name of Jesus and one person actually defended her.I am not gay-but have several gay friends who are truly loving and wonderful people.

1 comment:

Susie said...

I agree with you about the KAL flaming. (I'm a lurker there!) I'm not inclined that way, but I do have many gay and lesbian friends. They are as normal as you and I and just as religious or not. A KAL is a totally inappropriate place for that kind of comment, too. I hope whoever that was has learned her/his lesson, but somehow I doubt it. Most people like that can't be convinced they are wrong.
I like your blog!