Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Robins hatch and fly away

My photos uploading has been problematic . My photos are on reverse order and won't let me drag them today...

Yesterday I witnessed one of the chicks leaving the nest. It is in the picture below. The little chick landed on the deck as it was testing out its flight abilities. What a marvelous sight this was! Several robins were perched on my deck screaming and squawking the chick on! Even with my deaf ears it was like soccer parents cheering their kids on.. The noisy chick stayed on the deck for a while and then landed on the lawn where it continued flying awkwardly around testing out its wings.. A hawk was flying overhead and the other robins went berserk scaring it away. The chicks never come back the nest and now will stay in the trees. I hope they survive the terrors of this cruel world like the fox, hawks and other dangers they face....
One good thing . I can use my front door again.

The photos below are of the 4 chicks at about 11 days.
Robins leave the nest after only 13 days .

9 days old with mother bringing food back and forth.

Newly hatched chicks!

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