Thursday, March 27, 2008

100 hour baby sweater

Damn this Baby Shadow Sweater is taking me forever. After 4th attempt and four whole nights I think I have the button hole side started. I kept following thedirections but the button holes ended up on the bottom if I wanted the right side to show up. It made matters worse by stopping this UFO several months back after I found out my nephew will be having a boy .My memory of what I did on the first part is out the window.
Next time remember to take notes!!!

So finally- the pattern was ignored and I just read the stitches.. Now- now I am beginning to question if maybe it is the pattern not me ?As I approached the next section where I make 1 stitch four times by the collar the stitch count should go up 4 stitches-right? \Notice that it went up four for the smallest size with 54 stitches but not for the rest.?

Cast on 54(60, 66, 72) sts with color A and knit 4 rows. Begin pattern with Row 1. Next row (buttonholes): K3 [yo, k2tog, k5] twice, yo, k2tog, k to end.
Continue in pattern for just under 1.5", ending with a WS row.
Shape left front neck:
Next (RS) row: Knit to last st, M1, k1.
Next row: Work in pattern.
Repeat the last 2 rows 3 more times: 58(60, 66, 72) sts. Piece should measure 2" from buttonhole row.

1 comment:

old lady said...

I would cheat and put velcro or frogs for closings! Seems like if you M1 for a total of 4 times then YES the count would go up 4! But this is from someone who can't/doesn't balance her checkbook. Yeah I'm pathetic! Take a deep breath and go back in there and show it who's boss!!