Monday, August 04, 2008

weekend excitement

practice run for wedding day Apple Day Spa in Honesdale, PA

The bridge on Sat right before hail storm. Those cliffs in background are our property and house is hidden. I had to chase some stupid kids off them as they were jumping into the water which is very shallow and has dangerous rocks protruding....
Deck covered with hail!
they were marble- sized!

Another exciting weekend getting final chores accomplished for upcoming wedding. I sat and knit while Liz had her practice hair done for for wedding . She looked beautiful and now she is relieved . This is t\not where she lives so it is a new beautician.Thinking back on my wedding none of these things took place and things were much simpler because of it.

Saturday we had such an amazing hail storm here come from out of the blue. Marble sized pellets were pounding down and bouncing all over.

SO -What's up with knitting??
Sunday my friend Nora and I took a class at 4Corners LYS in Narrowsburg, Ny. We met some new knitting friends that connected thru Ravelry and started an adorable pink knitted bead bracelet. With chatting so much not much knitting was accomplished but that didn't matter one bit.
Maybe it will get done today. Last night I was snailing along on Goddess Mystery Shawl. Not much progress on that with my daughter being here to hang out. I can knit anytime but when your kids get older your time alone with them gets limited and even more precious.


Jolynn said...

WOW! That is some BIG hail!

old lady said...

Her hair looks lovely! Check one concern off the list!! Hail in August - weird. We didn't get anything here in NJ - and we need rain. Sounds like you had a great time meeting other knitters. Enjoy everything!