Thursday, June 05, 2008

Books, ticks, clue 2 almost done Slow Bee

Ticks are invading us! Yuk
Buddy and Stinky share a bed..

Gave my hands a break and read an excellent book my daughter gave me.

It was an easy read that held my attention. The story is thought provoking and made me think of my father and his condition at the nursing home. Sort of made me very sad but had a happy but unrealistic ending.

Damn we are getting invaded by ticks. The pugs go out and those ugly suckers are pouncing on them. These suckers disgust me and I found 2 crawling on me this week already. Of course, now I worry about Lyme Disease. ( I use Frontline each month faithfully but not sure how long it takes for it to kill them off when they first jump on them)

Clue 2 only has 4 more rows to go on Slow Bee Mystery. Then I am starting Design 1 for Clue 3 of slow Bee. Things are going a lot more smoother lace- wise this week. I don't know if these clues are easier or I have learned more.
Goddess's Knits Kal starts June 14 and Slow bee 2 in June but I can't see beyond this shawl.


Anonymous said...

Ticks! NJ is tick capital! I hate them and freak if I find one on Rhett or myself. I've had good luck with Frontline - when I remember to use it regularly.

You're getting better with the lace thing - practice is the key!

Cactusneedles said...

I don't like the ticks either. Haven't seen too many out here though, Ella has such heavy fur I'd never know if one was on her or not! Take care:)

Kathleen Colligan said...

I spend a fortune on Frontline for 4 pugs and even put it on Stinky who never goes out ( except when he escapes once in a while) I am still finding them even in our bed. I am not surehow long it takes to kill them with the Frontline. I put it on every month.