Friday, June 06, 2008

on to clue 3!!!!

Clue 2 done!
Hard to spread out with my circular that is too short..longer one ordered!
Did find time to take all 4 pugs out today. Usually it is in shifts of 2 so one doesn't sneak away .
Can you see who is peaking out from inside screaming " Let me play too?"

Just completed Clue 2 of Slow Bee Mystery Shawl..Just in time for clue 5 to arrive.I am hoping only one more clue after this but looks like most of my yarn still on the cone. This lace is very addictive so I may have to alternate to to other mindless projects .Otherwise nothing gets done around here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lookin GOOD! And it's getting easier- right?? Looks like the dogs had fun outside! Rhett likes dropping his ball in the yucky pool - DH is not amused.

Stay cool this weekend.