Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Knitting at Hearing Loss Convention

Harrisburg was great this weekend. The weather was perfect and the convention informative. I did plenty of knitting while waiting for sessions to begin or during them . I did worry if the speaker would think I was rude so stopped most of the time.Besides -I had to read the live captions so knitting was not as easy then.

I belong to The Hearing Loss of America Association which sponsored this. I love going to these for several reasons. Mostly because of the networking that goes on between other people who can't hear and encounter the same problems that come with hearing loss.

For example: I attended a session on Hearing dogs. Then I talked with a lady who had one and gave me pointers on the process. I am seriously considering getting one in a few years after my pug population has declined. Right now Molly is by my side at all times so it would not work with having her. Some groups do not let you have other dogs at home. Hearing Dogs let you know if the phone rings or if someone is at the door . If someone says your name they give you a signal and will wake you if the alarm goes off. Most hearing dogs are smaller dogs for that reason and because of their acute hearing skills. The dogs have to be with you 70% to 80% of the time and have to go though a strict training program. I will continue to research this.

This is Laddie.

He is not a hearing dog but an assistive dog to help this lady with her MS. He retrieves the phone for her and helps her get up.


Live captions. A lady types as she hears the speaker . It is miracle to me they can listen and type at the same time

Most lectures, movies or presentations offer a big challenge for me. I usually miss half of what is being said but at these conventions they have wonderful sound systems that are looped, live closed captions and a sign interpreter. It is so wonderful to be able to follow along with the presenters. Learning more about Cochlear implants and a technology hall were my favorites. An excellent speaker from NYU spoke about gene therapy and hair cell rejuvenation which is exciting stuff for the future. I am not quite a candidate for an implant becauseI hear more than 50% with my hearing aids . In the future they will be able to help me before I get to he point of needing an implant.

Verizon had a booth there. http://aboutus.vzw.com/accessibility/products.html I tired some new cell phones out and could hear better on a few of them . I may switch over some time soon but am holding out for a few months more. I want to be able to send text messages on a new phone and maybe have the GpS option. But, being able to hear on it is the most important factor.Cell Phone


old lady said...

It is amazing what these animals can offer us silly humans. They are so more in-tune with their surroundings. And lets not forget the biggest gift - their unconditional love!!

Cactusneedles said...

Wow! That was a lot of info you got in such a short time. Thanks for sharing, my dad has some hearing loss issues. Thanks for stopping by, Ella just loves her sweater...maybe it will get cool enough for her to wear it soon! Take care!:)