Saturday, August 18, 2007

Woolands Spinners and Weavers Guild 8/18/07

Here are my final products from today's workshop. I used blue Kool-Aid for end skeins which are wool. They were not in the same pot so the colors are not exactly the same. The wish was for them to be matching so I make a project out of them . After doing the Celtic Vest maybe I could make a sideways scarf/ hat set using the same pattern and two different shades.The middle one is silk and turned a very pale green using Lime Kool-Aid.

Stinky update:
One of his favorite toys/games is the Boy's golf balls. The Boy putts in front of the TV and Stinky attacks it!

Today was a fun day with Kool-Aid dying and leaning how to skirt, pick and scour fleece. Plus a free bag of some wool is now in my in my Mini boot.(trunk) The dying is something I plan to do more of. The raw fleece stuff -honestly -is not really something I enjoy. I rather just get clean rovings off Ebay or when I go to Rhinebeck. Some really gross stuff was in the raw fleece. I am glad my hepatitis shot is up-to- date after handling this stinky stuff. Still it was interesting and I learned to let the mills clean it instead of me.

1 comment:

Kathleen Colligan said...

testing testing new photo in profile