Sunday, August 05, 2007


Buddy loves to chase Stinky around the house.

Stinky is fitting in here just fine.. He should be called Shadow as he follows me everywhere along with the pugs. He is sitting on my lap as I type.

I hope to finish this purse from camp today. The I-cord and strap must be be made. But several things should be done in the house today like the pile of wash and all the dog hairs accumulating .

I finally ordered the Bloosom Street series by Debbie Macomber from Amazon..several blogs and friends have been recommending them including


Cactusneedles said...

Thanks for the recommendation! These books are very good. They will keep you entertained (I cry at each of them). Take care and great pictures of Buddy and Stinky! They look like they could have loads of fun together!:)

Anonymous said...

Buddy is such a cutie!!! I love pugs :)