Monday, April 13, 2009

come on Baby!

My son's baby and my first grandchild was due yesterday. The suspense is driving me nuts. I worry about not hearing the phone call in the middle of the night or while I am showering.. needed groceries so left today for awhile. Cell phones don't work up here so have to keep that in mind.The Boy is still in Fla going on two weeks so he is not here to listen for phone in middle of night so I am waking up all hours checking the answering machine in case I missed a call. I feel sleep deprived... Poor Daughter -in - law is really ready!

So come on little guy .....let's get hatching! You were supposed to be an Easter Baby . Seriously just hope this little boy is healthy. ( actually big boy according to last sonogram he was 8 and half pounds!)

1 comment:

Cactusneedles said...

Thank you for the nice Easter thoughts. Hope your Easter baby has arrived!