Thursday, April 09, 2009

April 2009

Ravelry, facebook and yahoo mail seem to take more of my time and less is going here.

It is not intentional just happens .

Knitting progress has been slower this week due to a hand that is hurting, doctor appts and having to take care of everything in the house because the Boy is away. We bought a condo in Pine Island, Florida and he closed on it last week. He loves it so much down there that hope he comes back! It is a fishing area so he is in fishing heaven. The reason I am not down there is the waiting the arrival of my first grandson due this Sunday on Easter. As soon as he is settled Hope to make a quick trip to Florida if I can make some kind of last minute pet sitter arrangements. So next year I will be an official snow bird. MANY things to work out though like pets and parents.

Thanks to Sue from NJ I am working on a practice baby blanket called Radiating Star.( free from Ravelry) I am using worsted weight Lion Brand in white. The yarn is too thick and awkward but going to finish it and give it away .

I am knitting the other Fleece Artist Legging. for Sea Baby Set. This sea cell wool is reviewed this week by Knitter's Review. I love the colors of the yarn but have this issue with the yarn always getting tangled up and little nubs all over the place that don't look so pretty . I am putting off finishing this legging for some reason it is not fun.\

Happy Easter and Spring to all! I hope my little grandson arrives soon and mostly that he arrives healthy.

1 comment:

old lady said...

Looks like you've been busy with life! That's a good thing! Congrats on the condo! Animals allowed?

Hope you're feeling better soon. I have a sore foot that I'm trying to bring back to normal. Not working as of yet.

Hope you get a wonderful Easter surprise!!