Tuesday, March 31, 2009

sea baby messed up assembly

Remind me - no more sweaters that involved lots of sewing.. seamless from now on!

Last night I worked so carefully putting on this one sleeve and had enough for one night. This am I look at it and realize it is sewn to the wrong ( narrow cuff end next to shoulder ) I tired to take it out this am but can't even find a place to start ripping as I did such a good job weaving in ends. The yarn changes color so cant' tell which is the sweater or the sewing yarn. I blocked it and tried to stretch it. I am leaving it the way it is although it looks a little weird.

oops pictures wont upload on this #*!@ Gateway and the Boy has the Dell in Florida.

1 comment:

old lady said...

Never say never! You will do this again - we are all gluttons for punishment!!! Awaiting pictures!