Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Do not enter - robin eggs....

We can't use our front door because of these.There might be more but I don't want to scare the mother robin away as she flies away if anyone goes near the front door.

Look in the top right corner..... bits of straw right?

This is not even a wreath made of natural materials. Incubation takes 12-14 days and another 2 weeks as a fledgling. Blue Jays, snakes and squirrels are common robin egg enemies which we have in abundance. It will be so cool if they finally do hatch and survive.

1 comment:

Cactusneedles said...

Wow. We have a dove mom that has been coming back to our front door for the last five years or so. But she's not afraid of us and lets us come right up to her. Let me know if/when they hatch. Cool.