Friday, May 09, 2008

torture not knitting....happy Mother's Day

No knitting last two days has been very difficult. Knitting has become my therapy to relieve stress. ( and this week continues to be stressful getting my unhappy and hard to please mother settled in her new apartment ) Knitting and using the mouse on my right hand results in pain. This rainy and damp weather does not help. Instead of knitting -I have been just drooling over patterns and future lace yarn purchases and wishing I was a speed knitter with painless hands. But this weekend knititng won't be missed..

I am off to Albany area today to spend the night with my best friend , my daughter. I am leaving extra time to stop at this shop in Cohoes NY.
What a perfect way to celebrate Mother's Day!

Mother's Day Vase

1 comment:

old lady said...

Oh - sounds like a great way to spend Mother's Day!! While there ask if they have something to wear/help with your hand pain - like the computer gloves. Or some wrist support thingies.

My sister can sympathize with what you're going thru with your mother. I thank my lucky stars that my sis is so patient - I wouldn't be if I had to deal with my mother everyday! I hope that's not me in my later years, but...

Enjoy the trip - hope it's not raining there. If it is, then more time for you girls to enjoy the store!