Friday, February 06, 2009

Pea Pod/ Home

Is this sleeve too small? to rip or not?

I am home from hospital feeling relief I don't have a heart condition but would feel better if they could figure out what is making me have these spells that come again. I have been taking it easy and trying just feel better all week.

We leave Monday for PR. I am excited but will feel better when I am there. My track record for traveling this winter has not been good.
Speaking of track records- while I was in the hospital I was bragging to my kids and other knitting visitors that I never in my whole life got a speeding ticket. Well- should have kept my mouth shut because coming home tonight a few miles from my house on the NY side a snotty state trooper pulled me over and gave me a ticket. He said I did not stop at the stop sign - just slowed down.. to tell you the truth I was not paying attention and should have noticed he was behind me..sort of scary..

still struggling with the Pea Pod ( 2nd one started - other one hibernating)

I tried to change the sleeves picking up stitches using another pattern. I did one and it looks small. I hate hate hate to rip so still studying it. I started the hat tonight.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

LPlans disrutped.......

good news - my hospital has free wifi my BB Storm works here . My knitting was in the car before I came here. So not totally bored all weekend here. Had 3 project in my bag to keep me busy.

bad news- won't be leaving for PR on my birthday - Tuesday. Having a heart cath Monday due to chest pains after a stress test. Flying the next day is not an option.
DH wont be home from golf trip till tonight- thank god my kids have helped take care of pets and me.

after tomorrow I will know when and if we can leave for PR. I wish they could figure out what is causing these spells that last for periods of time.This one started Jan 12 after going to the gym doing old lady stuff but then coming home all full of energy to clean the floors. Cleaning the floors did me in.. good excuse to justify that I am officially getting a cleaning person and not doing any more floors.