Thursday, April 19, 2007

Pug are Bed Hogs

I just had to buy 3 of these Pug plates from an ad in the Parade Magazine. It is a Gary Patterson Plate titled " BED HOG"One for each of my kids and one to keep. We all have pugs that hog the bed and sleep in such comical ways .

Tonight is Knitting Group night. The group project we are starting are "Queen of the Diamond Socks" form Spin Off. I hope I can handle it my frustration level is high lately. I am looking forward to using the circular needles for the first time with socks and if I have to go to a simple pattern I will. We are making plans for our Baltimore Sheep and Wool road trip. Sheep
Can you believe I ripped out 2 days of work on 2 cloths for the Dish Cloth KAl? The count of the stitches and my concentration were really off. I finally convinced myself last night that this one was not fun- why torture myself for dish cloths?I just ripped and ripped and enjoyed it. I don't think I have the patience for lace.- at least this week.

1 comment:

old lady said...

The smaller the dog - the bigger the bed hog! I have a mini-dachshund and he's very pushy in bed! But they are adorable!!!