Monday, March 05, 2007

Cat Bordhi Mobius Retreat (-:

I was wondering if I would ever make it to this retreat..Negative things kept popping up like my poor Dad being so sick and having to move into a rehab section of a nursing facility. My wonderful son helped my mother do that on Friday so I could continue with my plans to go to Maryland for this retreat. Then on Wed my front tooth where I had this very expensive implant put in- fell out! So an emergency visit to the implant specialist had to be made on the way to my sister's house on Thursday. Of course ,the dentist is in New Jersey 2 hours out of the way.

But we made it to the retreat. My sister and I had a special time together swimming, eating, taking knitting classes and socializing with all the other knitters. Cat Bordhi was an absolute hit with everyone! I will post more this week. I made a green mobius this weekend and worked on my Seduction Sock from Interweave- not a go0d project to work on while talking with others so I quickly switched to the mindless knitting of the mobius.
It snowed all weekend and on the way home but it was beautiful and not too slippery. I got home late last night - very tired out from driving home for 7 hours.But, it was all worth it!
Today I had to go visit my mother and take her to see my Dad. This is all very depressing seeing her fall apart mentally as he deteriorates physically.

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