Monday, March 02, 2009

March madness

crazy snow storm here in NE Pa and to make it not so nice we did not have heat or hot water all weekend.The plumber could not get the part till today. He drove in the storm to fix it- what a nice guy!!!

Still unpacking from being away 3 weeks and sorting mail ect . Now it is back to reality with taking care of parents , doctor appts and house stuff .

I did a lot of knitting in Puerto Rico to the point I had to stop. My neck and right shoulder are in some kind of mess with pain.
2 baby blankets, one frog puppet completed and 2 baby sweaters started .

for some reason this blog won't let me post photos today... but got them up on my ravelry ( katomliz)


old lady said...

What a GREAT guy to come out in this weather!!!

You're supposed to come back rested and refreshed - NOT sore from knitting!

Take it easy getting back into the daily grind.

Cactusneedles said...

Sounds like you had a great trip! Glad your heat and hot water is back! Will go over to rav to check out your picts! Take care:)