Sunday, November 25, 2007

SUnday 11/25 Bad Kitty- Snow and UFO's

Bad Kitty
Stinky might need a name change. The Boy has been repeatedly calling him BAD KITTY. He has been very naughty lately. I mean I can take his waking me up at 4:30 am with his taping and biting . Even the trimming of all my African Violets has been tolerated but now he has been using his claws on the furniture and rugs.
First Snow ! This is what I woke up to last Monday . The schools up here were even closed for the whole day. It was beautiful !

My ufo's are getting more attention. Mason Dixon Log Cabin Blanket is almost done. I am just weaving in all those pieces and then will have to remove many pugs hairs that have attached themselves to this project Ivstarted over a year ago. Once that is done I will post a picture.( if I can find the charger to my camera...I have yet to locate it )

My Karabella sweater is on hold till Thursday night so my knitting teacher can show me how I should sew it together plus the very last 5 rows of the pattern for the 2nd shoulder did not make sense as I redid it several times . Maybe a mistake in the pattern? Karabella has no sections for corrections on the website so I need to ask her along with how to finish it off. So basically it is done except for several rows around each section to make the collar.

I am starting a pair of Wendy Johnson's fingerless mitts tonight to give as a gift and at the same time using up extra Keltic yarn from my Kalamazoo sweater. Speaking of the Kalamazoo- the d%$# thing does not fit anyone in my family. I thought it would fit my D-IL as she has a very big chest with small arms and shoulders. It landed right under the chest and looked even worse on her than me. My son suggested I tear it all out and reuse the yarn. That sounds painful to me.


ann said...

I can't wait for our first snow!

old lady said...

But look at that face!! Such innocense - or is he plotting the next dastardly deed!!
Sounds like you're going to have lots to keep you from thinking about the trouble Stinky can get into. Perhaps next time Stinky does something bad just start ripping out the Kalamazoo. It will release your anger.

Cactusneedles said...

Great snow shot! I think it's snowing on my mountains today! Take care!