Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Away for Weekend

The Boy and I went away for a long weekend. My sister's kids had a surprise 60th party for her . I got to knit for 4 hours each way in the car so the trip was A BREEZE. The other days our hubbies were golfing so Neenie and I sat around talking and knitting. She is the one who got me hooked on knitting . I made another hat from my hand spun, finished the socks and started a mobius scarf to match the hat. I like these kinds of projects that knit up fast and and do not demand too much of me mentally. Socks are my favorite .
I was feeling great all weekend except one bout of severe vertigo yesterday while we were in the Zippo museum . I have to hold on to the walls when this happens or get to a chair .
The pugs and Stinky - the kitty were happy to see us even though they love our pet sitter who spends all kind of time with them.

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